One-on-One Coaching

Working with me is kind of like if
a therapist, a business coach, and an accountability bestie had a baby.

We discern how you think and feel, and from what stories & beliefs you operate in life.
We design in-depth business plans and life goals that serve your highest vision and holistic happiness.
You do and be what it takes to "have it all," with my full support.

How It Works

We do vision work and project planning at a depth and breadth you've never done before.
We develop awareness & actions around what core beliefs and habits must shift in order for you to become the person who you are meant to be.
We raise your floor to raise your ceiling. We reimagine what well-being looks & feels like, and implement all that is needed to nourish you mind, body, & spirit.
We brave the messy middle of seeing things through until your vision and goals are fulfilled.


Both coaching and therapy have their place, and one might be better for you than the other – depending on your goals and needs.

The difference really comes down to focus and the nature of our relationship.

A coach focuses on the present towards the future and helps you explore new possibilities:

  • Clarifying and achieving personal & professional goals
  • Creating plans & determining the best way for you to achieve them
  • Working on improving communication
  • Building new self-awareness along with actionable ways to change behavior
  • Achieving a better life/work balance

This relationship is a collaborative partnership between the coach and the client.

My job as coach is to ask powerful questions that inspire new self-discovery, and offer insights that facilitate my client’s growth.

A therapist focuses on the present towards the past and explores old areas that need healing or fixing:

  • Recovering from past traumas
  • Exploring why past relationships (business and personal) have been destructive
  • Providing tools for your mental health
  • Helping you survive a difficult loss or change

In this relationship the therapist’s job is as a mental health expert, and you are their patient in search of treatment.

You will receive world-class coaching support and proprietary tools that facilitate your growth and fulfillment of your declared goals. Ellen holds the highest level of integrity around her coach credentialing, having certified as a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation with Accomplishment Coaching and Leadership Training Program and trained in Brene Brown’s Dare to Lead Training Program. Ellen is rigorously committed to serving her clients with masterful coaching while honoring our safe and trauma-informed space.

We meet for 3 hours per month – some clients prefer two 90-minute sessions, and some prefer three 60-minute sessions. We will co-create the arrangement that best serves your needs.

We begin by designing your projects and goals, building awareness around core coaching concepts, and creating shared language around your personal beliefs, identities, and values.

Once the foundation is in place, the journey will involve deconstructing the blueprint that has your life going how it’s going, and constructing the one that will get you where you seek to go. This encompasses any relevant area of your life, including but not limited to your career, finances, spirituality, health, relationships, inner world, environment, etc.

Typically all of our meetings will take place over Zoom, unless other arrangements are mutually agreed upon.

The coaching process is highly personal and tailored to your individual needs and desires. Your personal process to integrate our work into your real life takes time and practice, and some insights will take longer than others to operationalize into habits and results.

My professional opinion is that a year is what it requires to make lasting changes in your career, relationships, finances, and self-awareness. Many of my clients continue to work with me for years.

When you sign up for a call, you will be prompted to fill out a simple form that invites you to share a bit about yourself. This will allow me to get to know you and understand your needs better so that when we meet, we can hit the ground running. Calls last between 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on what you need, and they are completely complimentary. We will discuss anything from the logistics of coaching and working with me, to your current goals and struggles in an abbreviated sample coaching session.

I will not bullshit you, working with me will be an investment. I truly believe – having made these exact kinds of investments in my own personal and professional growth over and over – that our financial commitments match our energetic commitments. 

That being said, I work at adjusted rates depending on your income. If you are not yet a six-figure earner, it does not make sense for you to spend the same amount on coaching as someone making $500,000+ per year. 

The minimum investment you can expect would be $1500/mo. 

No one achieves greatness alone.

Let's see if our partnership would be the vehicle to take you farther, faster.